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"Awaken the Giant Within's Summary: An in-Depth Guide"

By Aminah Ahmed


◼Oceanic knowledge

◼Set your standards

◼Make intellectual decisions

◼Beliefs build our world

◼Our actions involve pain and pleasure

◼Our mental lexicon

◼The subtle difference b/w health and fitness

◼Urgency vs Importance

◼The key to wealth

◼Ask quality questions

◼Your Values

◼Target areas

◼Your rules

◼The References

◼Emotional spark




Awaken the giant within is a fascinating book extracted from true life experiences written by Tony Robbins. Awaken the giant within is a powerful map. That’s constructed to lead your way to the sleeping giant within you. Consequently, you can wake it up. And get the desired power to conquer the world and of course yourself. I’ve made your way easier by giving you a complete and concise summary of the book Awaken The Giant Within. Hence, you won’t need to go through the whole book.


Knowledge is any tool, simple distinction method, belief, skill, tool that if understood can increase our personality level. As a result, it will help in bringing the power to awaken the sleeping giant within. It’s true, oceanic or profound knowledge is a powerful weapon. The moment we understand, it upgrades and transforms our perception of life and in turn the quality of life. And this is what we need if we want to change our lives and acquire an elegant gait. This summary “Awaken the giant within” is itself an ocean of knowledge. It displays the various transformational qualities.


Want to make a change in life? Then follow the advice of standards from Awaken The Giant Within’s summary: raise standards and believe that you can meet them.

“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in your life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviours and attitudes that’s far below what you deserve”

-Tony Robbins-

This is true that there is no such thing as perfection. However, trying to set your standards will sort the giant within. So, try to set those standards if not then you’re likely to find yourself in a subpar state.


Right decisions pump energy in us to awaken big things like the powerful giant within us. Indeed, we all decide before moving. However, making the right decision and staying committed is what matters. It’s a true victory. It’s vital to make the right decision, as our decisions and perceptions determine our life. Moreover, decisions rule us while we are on our destiny.

Awaken The Giant Within Summary Sums The Three Decisions That Will Control Your Destiny:

▪︎Your decision about what to focus on

▪︎Decisions about what things mean to you

▪︎Decisions about what to do to create the results you desire.

The Ultimate Success Formula:

To awaken the giant “The Ultimate Success Formula” can be contemplated as a key for getting where you want to go:

Definitely, by following this approach you’ll notice that challenges can be avoided by better decisions.

Remember this phrase in the summary of Awaken The Giant Within:
don’t let go of the true power of decision making. It changes anything you want to. For this, you must make clear decisions and commit to them. No matter how many hurdles; you have to adapt your approach to defeating these hurdles. Never leave a decision in-complete.

Tony Robbins’ Business Example:

Tony Robbins gives a business example of Soichiro Honda to mark the importance of adapting to obstacles.
Soichiro is the founder of the car company Honda. As a schoolboy, he had already decided to create potent piston rings for cars. He committed to this decision and ultimately succeeded. Yet, the part that is of great appreciation is that he made his way by adapting his decisions to the circumstances. For instance, during World War II, the Japanese government denied providing Honda with concrete. As Honda needed this concrete in building factories so he could manufacture his products. However instead of quitting, he adapted, he brought in his way of manufacturing concrete.

Twist Your Decision-Making Approach

Sometimes we are on the right decision but the level of commitment still creates a difference. For this reason, change your decision-making approach. Thus, to level-up frame your statement as ‘would’ like to make this change instead of ‘will’ make this change.


Our beliefs determine the way we experience the world. Tony Robbins, the writer who inspired me to write the summary of Awaken The Giant Within, identifies any idea supported by evidence as a belief. Events that form our beliefs act as evidence.

Tennis Match Example:

For example
, suppose you have never undertaken a tennis match still, you assume that your height might be the innate ability to bring you forth in it. This idea can be transformed into a belief by playing and winning or falling just a few matches.

Tabletop Example:

Another example of Tony Robbins, the awaker, regarding a tabletop endowed with no legs is added in this summary of Awaken The Giant Within. For the purpose of, clearing the difference between idea and belief. In this case, think of an idea as being like a tabletop with no legs, you’ll have a reasonable representation of why an idea doesn’t emit the same sense of certainty in you as the belief would.

Contrarily, if you consider a tabletop with legs that will make it stand. You can easily refer to the legs as evidence or references that support the idea and ultimately make it a belief.

We also come along with challenges in developing our beliefs.

The Threefold Challenge:

The challenge is threefold:

▪︎Most of us don’t intellectually decide what we’re going to believe.

▪︎Often we associate the wrong experience to our belief system.

▪︎We take beliefs so seriously that we forget it’s just an interpretation.

You should keep in mind that it’s not the events of your life, in fact, the meaning that you attach to them or how you interpret them. These interpretations structure your life and form beliefs.

Global Beliefs:

Tony Robbins also speaks about Global beliefs, he interprets them as giant beliefs. The beliefs regarding identities, work, time, fortune, and life itself, for that matter.

Besides, beliefs can change when we start questioning them. The more we question the more the doubts, the lesser the questioning the stronger the beliefs.

Here Awaken The Giant Within’s Summary Displays The Classification Of Beliefs Into Three Categories:

Adding more, someone with a conviction is so obsessed with it that they won’t approve any input and are even inclined to be a victim of a deadly lie for the interest of their conviction.

Concluding from above, we can say convictions are intensely powerful. If you have the right conviction you can awaken that giant within.

How Can You Device A Conviction?

▪︎Bring in a basic belief

▪︎Bring in strong references to support your belief, so that whenever a question comes in your mind related to it you could defend your belief.

▪︎Ask a question that triggers emotional intensity to you, like; what will it cost me if I won’t do it?

▪︎ Finally, take action on it, each act will strengthen your commitment to that conviction.


Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to prevent discomfort or our desire to attain satisfaction. In that case, If we inspect we can see that the fear of losing is more than a desire.

So, this impulse can come in handy if you want to awaken the sleeping giant within; by linking massive pain to any activity or emotional behaviour. Then you’ll avoid dwelling into it. This technique is called NAC, neuro-association or even temptation building. It can also be linking pleasure to an activity.

Emotional Threshold:

The intense pain creating the change is depicted by Tony Robbins as the emotional threshold.

Despite this impulse being integrated into the human nervous system we sometimes pass by people who have experienced pain. yet fail to change, this is because they haven’t hit enough pain, the emotional threshold.

Tony Gives An Effective Example Of Breaking A Bad Habit:

If you want to quit eating chocolate, sing a song loudly that you hate. Each time you’ll have to sing the song you dislike you’ll ultimately start avoiding chocolate.

Tony also tells that this technique has a track record in the rehabilitation of drug addicts
. Those addicts that had brought in an alternative healthy and pleasurable habit were found less likely to turn to drugs.

Kathy Milkman’s Example:

Another example that also fits best in the summary of Awaken The Giant Within is of Kathy Milkman.
The creator and lover of hunger games audio books. She allowed herself to listen only while working out. As a result, she worked out six times a week, just to learn what happens. To awaken the power within you change is crucial. You should replace bad habits with reasonable ones to fill in the space.

“But if we fail to direct our own associations to pain and pleasure, we’re living no better than animals or machines, continually reacting to our environment, allowing whatever comes up next to determine the direction and quality of our lives.”

-Tony Robbins-

Three Specific Beliefs Regarding Moral Obligation for creating long term change:

▪︎First, we must believe, “change must take place”—not that it should change, could change, or ought to change

▪︎Second, we must believe in changing ourselves along with changing something.

▪︎Third, we have to embed “I can change it” into our actions.

So, when we will understand the primary concept of how we operate then we will be able to make more sound decisions.


You and I can change how we experience something just by changing our focus. You and I can awaken the giant within by learning to control our focus. By focusing on the right things. And a good target of this focus can be set by the words you habitually choose. If you want to bring in change and formulate your destiny, you need to choose your words wisely and expand your word choice.

Transformational Vocabulary:

Tony himself uses expressive and unusual language. In order to, increase positive emotions and cut off negative ones. He calls this transformational vocabulary. He mentions this as an important step in bringing positive change. This is because how you experience this world is preceded by how you describe the world.

In the English language, there are sadly 66% words regarding negative emotions—twice as many as positive ones.

So, How Can You Bring In Positivity By Using Words?

Tony suggests using more neutral and unusual words in an adverse situation. This can slightly lift your mood.

For example, you can say “well, that’s a bit fortunate” instead of saying something harsher.

Similarly, he also suggests an increase in the severity regarding positive events.

For example, instead of saying that lying in the sun makes you happy, you could increase the severity of happiness by saying “I’m in complete bliss”.


To live a more happy and balanced life you should be able to distinguish between health and fitness.

“Fitness is the physical ability to perform athletic activity”
“health is the state where all systems of the body—nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, hormonal, etc.—are working in an optimal way”.

-Tony Robbins-

Therefore, try to keep both these terms balanced and organized.


Sometimes we work hard, wholly complete our to-do list. Still, at the end of the day we feel incomplete.

This is because we did all the things that demanded our attention at that moment but left what was important—the things that would make long term differences.

Develop the ability to differentiate between these two terms in your daily life. This ability will bring you more success in your professional life.


The key to wealth or opulence is to be more valuable. To enumerate, more skills make you more valuable. Utilize your creativity and create more income.


Tony explains that thinking itself is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions. This series of asking and answering questions has a huge impact on our lives.

For example
, If you keep asking yourself “why does this happen to me?” you will only feel depressed. Conversely, if you ask yourself “how can I improve this situation?” your focus will divert to its solution and you won’t feel cast down.

So, if you keep asking yourself impoverished questions you will only experience a miserable sensation.

In essence, good questions add quality to life. Questions improve standards.

Tony’s SUGGESTIONG Regarding Quest:

Tony suggests compiling a list of quality-wise questions that you can ask yourself in adverse situations that come up to spoil you. This will also improve your personality.

Questions Have Three Specific Functions:

▪︎ They change what we eliminate

▪︎ Questions change our reference

▪︎ Change our focus

What To Do Each Night Before Going To Bed?

To instigate improvement within you each night before going to bed ask yourself these questions:

▪︎What things have I endeavoured today?

▪︎What’s that I improved?

▪︎What did I cherish?

Pro tip of summary of Awaken the Giant Within:-
Model the habitual questions of successful people.


Tony specifies value as anything dear to you, whatever you prioritize.

Furthermore, If you sense difficulty in crafting an important decision then you should know that your values are unclear.

The hierarchy of your values controls your approach to your specific decision.

Also, retrieve values guide you while approaching your destiny.

Tony Robbins' quote regarding long term happiness: Awaken the giant within summary an in-depth guide

Furthermore, tony notes insufficient fulfilment in life due to values not being concrete.

To enhance your life values think about the qualities of people that you admire, and pen down those qualities. Put those qualities in a hierarchal pyramid, reflect on them. And after defining the reasons why they mean to you live by those values. Each time you feel down go back to the list.


Setting targets or goals is the foundation of all success. It brings the hidden into view. Goals are not to ignore the challenges but to dig out the problems’ solutions.

Talking further, happiness in the real sense is not just about achieving your goals but overcoming obstacles. The reason is when you complete a journey of overcoming the obstacles you become another person and this is true happiness.

Set goals to become the person you want to be and followed by a measurable plan with action.


We all have our own little rules that count as our state of happiness or sadness.

Most of us have created numerous ways to feel melancholy and only a few ways to feel delightful.

We create uncontrollable rules. In other words, the rules we impose on ourselves are handed to others. In this way, it is the others that determine how we should feel. We should keep in mind that handing the control of happiness to others is just gonna make the giant within us more sleepy. This should not be the case.

For example, “I will be very happy if my boss praises me for my presentation”. This is the wrong rule because you have handed over your happiness to someone else.

Tony Robbins urges you to establish life rules you can control. To do this focus on life rules based on personal goals rather than others’ expectations.

Tony Robbins' quote regarding communication of rules: awaken the giant within summary an in-depth guide.
Communicate your rules so that others can know what you expect from them and you can find a way to increase your happiness. So, if you ever feel upset do remember that the cause is you yourself and not others. Speaking in-depth, to live a life of happiness you should design empowering rules. Don’t mix the empowering and disempowering rules. Definitely, you should be able to distinguish between these empowering and disempowering rules.
How To Identify A Disempowering Rule?
▪︎An unattainable rule is disempowering

▪︎An uncontrollable rule is disempowering

▪︎A rule generating more ways of feeling bad than good is disempowering

There Are 3 Preliminary Criteria To Identify The Difference:

“The ‘must’ and the ‘must never' rules are threshold rules; the ‘should’ and ‘should never’ rules fall under the category of personal standard rules.”


References are the resources that are available to us. These are like models that we follow.

Further speaking, The ways we use our references determine how we feel because it’s a matter of comparing.

The key is to expand the quality references that develop a sense of intellectuality and better manage our lives. Also, bring out the positive reference from your experiences. And organize your references in an energizing manner so that you could give a wake-up call to the giant within.

Furthermore, a larger number and greater quality of references assist us while rating values and on what positions we can place them in our lives.

Besides, don’t just withdraw references from personal experiences instead take in references from other people lives too. Limited references create a limited life.


Finally, understanding your emotional sparks or triggers is vital because to become powerful one should know how to control oneself. Consequently, the power automatically comes into your hands. Now you can awaken the giant within.

In other words, look beyond your emotions. You can only make a positive change in your life if you understand the root cause of negative experiences.

After identifying how your emotions operate or what things trigger your emotions it will be easy to control them. This controlling power will lead you to the giant within you.

For example, the root cause of your trigger maybe exhaustion. Therefore, when you identify this cause utilize transformational vocabulary to neutralize the adverse situation or emotion.


To summarize, improving your mindset and personality by controlling your inner aspects like making decisions professionally, improving your standards, embracing rules that are under your control, focusing on the things that are worth focus, regulating your temperament, is the key to rising because only then you’ll have the power to awaken the sleeping giant within.


The summary of Awaken the Giant ends here. I hope that you’ve enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments section. Lastly, try to use these life-changing techniques of Tony Robbins the awaker, the life-changer.

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